Thanks for signing up!
We’re here to help transform your life into a language-learning opportunity.
Tools to help you learn English smartly and quickly are coming soon to your mobile phone and to your email inbox. Here’s what you can expect to receive from us:
- We’ll send you one new learning strategy per week for eight weeks, and teach you how to incorporate it into your daily life
- We’ll send you videos, songs and other media that will teach you English
- We’ll point you toward treasure troves of free language learning resources, both on our website and elsewhere
- We’ll send you daily reminders and a daily practice tracker to document your efforts
- We’ll send you a weekly leaderboard so you can see how you compare to other English language learners and compete for prizes
- We’ll send you an invitation to an exclusive Facebook group that will provide you with a community of English language learners as well as awesome content to help you learn every day
- Finally, two weeks before your first coaching session, we will send you an orientation packet with everything you need to know about your coaching sessions
Visit our English language-learning blog to get started now.
Looking for more?
Check out our Intensive program.
[button type=”real” shape=”rounded” size=”medium” href=”https://www.revolutionenglish.org/intensive” title=”Example”][icon type=”chevron-circle-right”] Learn More About Intensive[/button]