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How it works

  • Click “Start Now” to receive FREE daily English lessons.
  • You will receive your lesson every morning on Facebook Messenger.
  • To start learning, click on the buttons.
  • Our lessons have 3 levels. Go to each level by clicking on “Next” button at the end of each page.

Follow these steps if you do not have the FB messenger app:

  • If you receive a message notifying you that the page cannot be opened because the address is invalid after clicking “Start Now”, press “Ok”
  • Then press “Get the Messenger App” in blue letters
  • Then press “Open” to open the app store
  • Download the messenger app by clicking “Get”
  • Once downloaded, open it and press “Continue”
  • Come back to this page and click “Start Now” to begin to receive lessons on your FB messenger app

Welcome to Revolution English! You are about to get your first lesson on your phone. Stay put!

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