
Writing an Email to Your Boss – Level 3

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3. Watch the video:

4. Read the text:

When contacting an instructor, professor or manager, it is important to look or sound professional.

We will explain the do’s and don’t of sending a professional email…Bill decides to visit the writing center to receive helpful tips on how to send a better email.

In addition to being specific, a greeting and salutation in an email goes a long way toward being professional.

Bill’s final essay uses the advice he has been given to compose a professional email to his instructor.

Mrs. Gutenberg,

I am having trouble coming up with a good topic for my final assignment. Could you please send some examples of topics I could choose to write?

Thank you,

This is an example of a successful email. It clearly states Bill’s needs so Mrs. Gutenberg will know exactly what to address. The spelling and grammar are concise, easy to read and understand.

5. Take the quiz
Select the correct answer for each statement

