2. Learn new phrases Sponsored links: Read the phrase and use the play ▶ button to hear the pronunciation. Lea la frase y use el botón de PLAY ▶ para escuchar la pronunciación. Sponsored links: Embed from Getty Images My dad used to FIX everything - lawnmowers, cars, our cat. Sponsored links: Embed from Getty Images I have an instructional video, and I'm labeling each PART as I take it out. Sponsored links: Embed from Getty Images I tackled the CLOTHES DRYER after the repair guy tried to rip me off. Sponsored links: Embed from Getty Images SCREWDRIVER?....Back-up screwdriver! Sponsored links: Embed from Getty Images It's a COMPLICATED job. Embed from Getty Images I'll have this thing RUNNING in no time, honey! Next Next Previous Previous Share Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pinterest Email Audio LessonsEnglishGeneralLevel2Schoolslevel 2pronunciation 0 Revolution English