As inflation continues to devastate households across the country, some states have taken relief into their own hands. Over a dozen states have some sort of relief plan, including stimulus checks, tax rebates and credits, and lowering sales taxes on items like gas, groceries, and school supplies.
This article will answer the following questions about the latest relief plans:
- Are these stimulus checks the same as the previous ones?
- How much will these payments be?
- Who qualifies for these checks?
- Where can I get more information about my state?
- Will there be any more assistance?
- Are there other ways I can get financial relief?
Are these stimulus checks the same as the previous ones?
The current and upcoming stimulus checks are not entirely the same as before. These payments are not federal, meaning they are not for everyone, and payments will look different amongst participating states. Some of these efforts will be direct one-time payments, and others will be tax credits, tax refunds, and even suspending sales taxes.
How much will these checks be?
Here is a breakdown of states with one-time payments and other relief efforts:
Amount: up to $1,500 + $700 if you have at least one child (you will not receive more per child, it is $700 total)
Expected delivery: by late October via direct deposit or debit card
Other relief efforts:
- Suspending sales tax on diesel fuel
- Aid for past-due rent and utilities
Amount: $750 for single filers and $1,500 for joint filers
Expected delivery: by September 30 via check for those who filed a state tax return and January 31, 2023, for those who filed an extension
Amount: $300 via check
Expected delivery: began in May continuing through the summer
Amount: $450 per child via check
Expected delivery: already mailed
Amount: up to $250 for single filers, $500 for joint filers, and $375 for head-of-household filers
Expected delivery: already sent
Amount: tax rebates of up to $300 for joint filers
Expected delivery: starting end of August
Amount: tax rebate of $75 per taxpayer and each dependent or 12% of their 2020 taxes (whichever is greater)
Expected delivery: already sent
Amount: $50 tax rebates for individuals who made under $200,000 and $100 for joint filers who made under $400,000 + $100 per dependent (up to three)
Expected delivery: began July 1
Other relief efforts:
- Suspending 1% sales tax on groceries through June 30, 2023
- A delayed increase in gas prices from July 1 through January 2023
- Reduced sales tax for school clothes and supplies from August 5-14
- Property tax rebates for homeowners earning less than $250,000 for individuals and $500,000 for joint filers
Amount: $125 for nonfilers and those who already filed their 2021 taxes
Expected delivery: varies, depending on when taxes were filed
Other relief efforts:
- Proposed and additional $250 payment
Amount: $850 tax rebate per resident
Expected delivery: already delivered, but residents have until October 31, 2022, to file taxes
New Jersey
Amount: up to $500 via check
Expected delivery: Varies
Other relief efforts:
- Tax rebate for some renters and homeowners
New Mexico
Amount: $175 child tax credit per child + tax rebate of $250 for single filers and $500 for joint filers
Expected delivery: began in June
Amount: one-time payment up to $600
Expected delivery: June 23 through July 11
South Carolina
Amount: tax rebates up to $800
Expected delivery: by the end of the year
Amount: one-time payments of $250 for single filers and $500 for joint filers
Expected delivery: this fall
Who qualifies for these checks?
Eligibility varies from state to state. In some states, their relief efforts will affect everyone; in others, the payments will only go to tax filers or lower-income residents.
Where can I get more information about my state?
The following article contains a similar breakdown of states:
Qué estados ofrecen cheques de alivio económico en 2022 en Estados Unidos
You can click on the links under your state for more information.
Additionally, you can search for your state’s website. For example, Illinois has a website for their stimulus payments: Information should be available in English and Spanish.
Will there be any more stimulus checks?
Here’s what could happen:
- $250 tax rebate for single filers and $500 for joint filers in Kansas
- $200 for eligible drivers in North Carolina
Here are some other relief efforts happening:
- Gas tax holidays in Connecticut, Georgia, Maryland, and more
- One-time “energy relief” payments in Alaska starting September 20
- Expanded Child Tax Credit in states like Vermont
- Tax rebates for homeowners in Pennsylvania and New York
Are there other ways I can get financial relief?
You can visit to see all the financial assistance available through the government. You can also go to and browse for help by area code.