2. Learn new phrases Sponsored links: Read the phrase and use the play ▶ button to hear the pronunciation. Lea la frase y use el botón de PLAY ▶ para escuchar la pronunciación. Sponsored links: Embed from Getty Images Put safety covers on all electrical OUTLETS that are not in use. Sponsored links: Embed from Getty Images Put CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORs on every level of your home. Sponsored links: Embed from Getty Images Put SMOKE DETECTORs on every level of your home, including near sleeping areas. Sponsored links: Embed from Getty Images Change BATTERIES twice each year. Sponsored links: Embed from Getty Images Keep cleaning supplies (like laundry DETERGENT and dish DETERGENT) safely out of sight. Embed from Getty Images Make sure SPACE HEATERs have an automatic shut-0ff. Next Next Previous Previous Share Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pinterest Email Audio LessonsEnglishGeneralLevel2Schoolslevel 2pronunciation 0 Revolution English